I am learning Pycharm Community Edition 3.4 and I was wondering If it was possible to have a right a margin for comments and docstring only, additionally to the regular margin for the rest of the code.
I ask because I am trying to stick to the PEP8 guideline of 72 characters per comment and 79 for regular code. I am constantly changing the right margin between 72/79 to make sure everything is fine but I don't find that very efficient.
Thanks in advance.
It is not possible in Pycharm given its basic configuration (without some plugins). But I am afraid that even plugins for this feature does not exist for Pycharm. At least, I could not find it.
In this question you may probably find something helpful: https://superuser.com/questions/703425/intellij-ide-how-to-add-one-or-more-margins.
This is not yet a feature of any of the Intellij platforms.
You can follow/vote for the ticket here https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-99875
This feature was announced in September 2017.
Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Style ->
Hard wrap at
andVisual guides
. For visual guides, you can enter multiple values separated by columns.