I'm using the lastest version of Wix 3.5 and I'm trying to generate a fragment file using heat.exe. The command line is :
"%WIX%\bin\heat.exe" project "MyProj.csproj" -pog Binaries -pog Content -suid -directoryid
INSTALLLOCATION -ag -template fragment -out "Files.wxs"
The prolem I'm having is that the assemblies my project is depending uppon are missing from the generated file. Is this the intended behaviour ? How can I add them ?
Should I use the dir
harvesting type ?! How to remove *.pdb or *.vshost.exe then ?
I want to use it with CI Server (TeamCity)
I tried -pog Satellites
and doesn't work either
I know this is an old question, but this thread might contain some ideas for possible solutions: How to add a whole directory or project output to WiX package
One of the tools mentioned, Paraffin 3.1, has various command line switches that should allow you to exclude the files that are not relevant. http://www.wintellect.com/CS/blogs/jrobbins/archive/2009/06/28/paraffin3-1-new-and-improved.aspx
Unfortunately this is a known issue with WiX:
Heat doesn't harvest referenced assemblies
From the bug comments, it looks like support will be added in WiX 4.0.
In our CI build we are using WiX with hand crafted wxs files.
Here is content of the build file:
Designer.wxs - contains program specific msi info (UpgradeCode, msi Version, and Package info).
UI_culture(RUS in this example).wxs - contains custom localized WiX UI.
Bin.wxs - contain all needed files.(you can automate it with wxi generation and using WiX's includes), but we simply write this file manually.