I'm trying to use the BarcodeScanner plugin for Cordova in a BlackBerry device without luck. The sample code makes use of this structure:
but window.plugins
is undefined
I tried with a fresh new application and window.plugins
continues to be undefined
(I mean, the sample application without any addition).
Did the api have changed and the documentation is outdated or there's something I'm missing?
Finally, I used cordova 1.9.0, as plugins are not up-to-date yet.
Thanks to everyone!
Cordova 2.0 has removed the "addPlugin" method used by the BarcodeScanner plugin. So a quick fix would be to remove (or comment out) the "addConstructor" function used to add the plugin, and replace it with an explicit attachment to the window object:
Then, since "window.plugins" isn't used, you will also need to change the code that calls the "scan" method, so replace
I have tested this with Cordova 2.0 and it works.
All, I pushed a new BarcodeScanner this morning that works with 2.0.0.
Just ran into the same problem. After looking into the window-object I found the BarcodeScanner being right there. So
window.BarcodeScanner.prototype.scan(result, error)
did the trick. Make sure you wait for cordova to be fully initialized, otherwise you may get sth likehas no method exec()