Getting this error when I try to instantiate the ConsumerAdvice
Foreign key associated with column 'tbConsumerAdvice.ConsumerAdviceCategory_ID'
could not find table 'tbConsumerAdviceCategories' with which to generate a
foreign key to target column 'ID_ConsumerAdviceCategories'
class ConsumerAdviceCategory(Base):
__tablename__ = 'tbConsumerAdviceCategories'
__table_args__ = {'schema':'dbo'}
ID_ConsumerAdviceCategories = Column(INTEGER, Sequence('idcac'),\
Name = Column(VARCHAR(50), nullable=False)
def __init__(self,Name):
self.Name = Name
def __repr__(self):
return "< ConsumerAdviceCategory ('%s') >" % self.Name
class ConsumerAdvice(Base):
__tablename__ = 'tbConsumerAdvice'
__table_args__ = {'schema':'dbo'}
ID_ConsumerAdvice = Column(INTEGER, Sequence('idconsumeradvice'),\
ConsumerAdviceCategory_ID = Column(INTEGER,\
Name = Column(VARCHAR(50), nullable=False)
Category_SubID = Column(INTEGER)
ConsumerAdviceCategory = relationship("ConsumerAdviceCategory",\
def __init__(self,Name):
self.Name = Name
def __repr__(self):
return "< ConsumerAdvice ('%s') >" % self.Name
That didn't solve my problem, I had to use.
Define the FK including schema:
I also hit this error. In my case the root cause was that I attempted to define different sqlalchemy base classes:
I had a
relationship from one class that derives fromBase1
to another class that derives fromBase2
. This didn't work -- I got a similarNoReferencedTableError
. Apparently classes must derive from the same Base class in order to know about each other.Hope this helps someone.