public class MultiSomething { } //CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly
When I run Code Analysis, I get an error because the Microsoft does not recognize the word 'Multi' (go figure they use it in IMultiValueConverter
). So, what I did to correct this was to add a CodeAnalysisDictionary.xml file and followed the steps supplied here. However, it doesn't seem to solve the situation, I still get a Code Analysis warning message.
To ensure that this isn't a bug with the recognized words section, I added another class and another exception.
public class MultiSomething { } //CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly
public class MutiiSomething { } //NO WARNING
<Word>Multi</Word> <-- This seems to not do anything... -->
<Word>Mutii</Word> <-- This actually does something... -->
An alternative to fixing it is to use SuppressMessage, though that isn't a well fit solution if I plan on using this word all over the place.
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Multi")]
public class MultiSomething { } //NO WARNING (Suppressed)
Did Microsoft actually block 'Multi' from being added to the recognized words?
You can refer to this feedback ticket. This is apparently by design.
try adding this to your customdictionary