I'm looking for the best method to implement a "forgot password" feature.
I come out with 2 ideas:
When user click on forgot password, the user is required to key in the username, email and maybe date of birth or last name. Then a mail with temporary password will be sent to the user email account. The user uses the temporary password to login and resets his password.
Similar, but the email would contain a link to let the user reset his password.
Or anyone can suggest me a better and secure way? I'm also thinking to send the temporary password or link, force the user to reset the password within 24 hour, or else the temporary password or link will not be usable. How to do that?
Troy Hunt makes some excellent points in his article, Everything you ever wanted to know about building a secure password reset feature. The most relevant excerpts are:
He makes many more good points about avoiding information leaks, CAPTCHAs, two-factor authentication, and of course the basic best practices like password hashing. I think it's important to note that I disagree with Troy on the usefulness of security questions, preferring Bruce Schneier's skepticism of the practice:
I'll go with:
If you include an email address with the registration. The "forget password" button sends an email to that email address. It ensures that the information is send to a trusted email.
(Unless the database is hacked, but then nothing is safe).
Never email a password to the user. Even if it is auto-generated. Best approach (recommend and used by SANS and others):
If he doesn't click the link within 24 hours or so, disable the link (so that it does not change the password anymore).
Never change the password without the user consent. It means do not email a new password just because someone clicked on the forgot password link and figured out the account name.