I've been studying OpenCV tutorials and came across the assert
function; what does it do?
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The assert() function can diagnose program bugs. It is defined in
, and its prototype isThe argument expression can be anything you want to test--a variable or any C expression. If expression evaluates to TRUE, assert() does nothing. If expression evaluates to FALSE, assert() displays an error message on stderr and aborts program execution.
How do you use assert()? It is most frequently used to track down program bugs (which are distinct from compilation errors). A bug doesn't prevent a program from compiling, but it causes it to give incorrect results or to run improperly (locking up, for example). For instance, a financial-analysis program you're writing might occasionally give incorrect answers. You suspect that the problem is caused by the variable interest_rate taking on a negative value, which should never happen. To check this, place the statement
assert(interest_rate >= 0); at locations in the program where interest_rate is used. If the variable ever does become negative, the assert() macro alerts you. You can then examine the relevant code to locate the cause of the problem.
To see how assert() works, run the sample program below. If you enter a nonzero value, the program displays the value and terminates normally. If you enter zero, the assert() macro forces abnormal program termination. The exact error message you see will depend on your compiler, but here's a typical example:
Assertion failed: x, file list19_3.c, line 13 Note that, in order for assert() to work, your program must be compiled in debug mode. Refer to your compiler documentation for information on enabling debug mode (as explained in a moment). When you later compile the final version in release mode, the assert() macros are disabled.
Enter an integer value: 10
You entered 10.
Enter an integer value: -1
Error Message: Abnormal program termination
Your error message might differ, depending on your system and compiler, but the general idea is the same.
It is a function that will halt program execution if the value it has evaluated is false. Usually it is surrounded by a macro so that it is not compiled into the resultant binary when compiled with release settings.
It is designed to be used for testing the assumptions you have made. For example:
The ideal you want is that you can make an error in your program, like calling a function with invalid arguments, and you hit an assert before it segfaults (or fails to work as expected)
Stuff like 'raises exception' and 'halts execution' might be true for most compilers, but not for all. (BTW, are there assert statements that really throw exceptions?)
Here's an interesting, slightly different meaning of assert used by c6x and other TI compilers: upon seeing certain assert statements, these compilers use the information in that statement to perform certain optimizations. Wicked.
Example in C:
This tells de compiler the arrays are aligned on 32-bits boundaries, so the compiler can generate specific instructions made for that kind of alignment.
In addition, you can use it to check if the dynamic allocation was successful.
Code example:
Similar to:
will terminate the program (usually with a message quoting the assert statement) if its argument turns out to be false. It's commonly used during debugging to make the program fail more obviously if an unexpected condition occurs.For example:
You can also add a more informative message to be displayed if it fails like so:
Or else like this:
When you're doing a release (non-debug) build, you can also remove the overhead of evaluating
statements by defining theNDEBUG
macro, usually with a compiler switch. The corollary of this is that your program should never rely on the assert macro running.From the combination of the program calling abort() and not being guaranteed to do anything, asserts should only be used to test things that the developer has assumed rather than, for example, the user entering a number rather than a letter (which should be handled by other means).
Take a look at
assert() example program in C++