I developed some javascript enhanced pages that run fine on recent Firefox and Safari. I missed to check in Internet Explorer, and now I find the pages don't work on IE 6 and 7 (so far). The scripts are somehow not executed, the pages show as if javascript wasn't there, although some javascript is executed. I am using own libraries with dom manipulation, from YUI 2 I use YUI-Loader and the XML-Http-Request, and on one page I use "psupload", which depends on JQuery.
I am installing Microsoft Script Editor from Office XP and will now debug. I will also write specific tests now.
What are the typical failing points of IE? What direction I can keep my eyes open.
I found this page, which shows some differences. visit: Quirksmode
Can you from your experience name some typical things I should look for first?
I will also ask more questions here for specific tasks later, but for now I am interested in your experience why IE usually fails on scripts that run fine in Firefox
Edit: Thank you for all those great answers!
In the meantime I have adapted the whole code so that it also works with Internet Explorer. I integrated jQuery and built my own classes on top of it now. This was my basic mistake, that I did not build all my stuff on jQuery from the beginning. Now I have.
Also JSLint helped me a lot.
And many of the single issues from the different answers helped.
The fact is that IE doesn't support JavaScript... It supports his own implementation of ECMAScript : JScript... which is kind of different...
Differing JavaScript Support
IE doesn't support (most of) the extensions added to JavaScript since 1.5.
New in 1.6
for each ... in
- iterates values instead of property names.New in 1.7
[a,b] = [1,2]
New in 1.8
Some of these things require you to specify a version number of JavaScript to run under (which will break under IE), but some things like
might not seem like that big a deal, until you try to run it in IEThe major differences between JavaScript in IE and JavaScript in modern browsers (ex, Firefox) can be attributed to the same reasons behind the differences in CSS/(X)HTML cross-browser. Back in the day there was no de facto standard; IE/Netscape/Opera fought a turf war, implementing most of the specs, but also omitting some as well as making proprietary specs to gain advantages over each other. I could go on at length, but lets skip ahead to the release of IE8: JavaScript was avoided/scorned for years, and with the rise of FF and the contempt of webcomm, IE chose to focus mostly on advancing their CSS from IE6 on. And basically left DOM support behind. IE8's DOM support might as well be IE6's, which rolled out in 2001....so IE's DOM support is nearly a decade behind modern browsers. If you are having JavaScript discrepancies particular to a layout engine, you're best bet is to attack it the same way we took on the CSS problems; Targeting that browser. DON'T USE BROWSER SNIFFING, use feature detection to sniff out your browser/it's level of DOM support.
JScript is not IE's own implementation of ECMAScript; JScript was IE's answer to Netscape's JavaScript, both of which came into existence before ECMAScript.
As far as type attributes on the script element, type="text/javascript" is the default standard (at least in HTML5), so you don't ever need a type attribute unless your script isn't JavaScript.
As far as IE not supporting innerHTML...innerHTML was invented by IE and is still today NOT a DOM standard. Other browsers have adopted it because it's useful, which is why you can use it cross-browser. As far as dynamically changing tables, MSDN says "because of the specific structure required by tables, the innerText and innerHTML properties of the table and tr objects are read-only." I don't know how much of that was true initially, but clearly the modern browsers have figured it out while dealing with the complexities of table-layout.
I highly recommend reading PPK on JavaScript Jeremy Keith's DOM Scripting Douglas Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts and Christian Hellman's Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax to get a strong grasp on JavaScript.
As far as Frameworks/Libraries are concerned, if you don't have a strong grasp on JavaScript yet, you should avoid them. 2 years ago I fell into the jQuery trap, and while I was able to pull off magnificent feats, I never learned a damn thing about coding JavaScript properly. In hindsight, jQuery is a wicked awesome DOM Toolkit, but my failure to learn proper closures, prototypical inheritance, etc., not only set my personal knowledge back, my work starting taking huge performance hits because I had no clue wtf I was doing.
JavaScript is the language of the browser; if you are client-side/front-end engineer it is of upmost importance that you command JavaScript. Node.js is bringing JavaScript full tilt, I see immense strides taken daily in its development; Server-side JavaScript will be a standard in the very near future. I'm mentioning this to further emphasize just how important JavaScript is now and will be.
JavaScript is going to make more waves than Rails.
Happy Scripting!
getElementbyID will also match against the name attribute in IE, but not other browsers, and IE will select whichever it finds first.
Some native objects are read-only without really seeming to be so (you can write to them but it has no effect). For example, a common advanced javascript is based on extending the
object by overriding system methods, say, changing Element.prototype.appendChild() to do more than appending a child node - say, initialize it with parent's data. This will fail silently on IE6 - original method will be invoked on new objects instead of the new one.Some browsers (I don't remember which now) consider newlines between HTML tags to be text nodes, while others don't. So childNodes(n), nextSibling(), firstChild() and the like will behave very differently.
IE is not a modern browser and only follows ECMAScript loosely.