In a comment on the previous question, I claimed:
I have another benchmark to indicate ghc-7.4.1+llvm does unpacking of enumerations on strict data fields.
In fact, after some experimentation, I believe that, in at least some simplistic cases, using an enumeration is at least as fast as, and actually might be more memory efficient (hence faster in a more realistic application) than using a newtype of Word8 (or Int), even when used in a strict field of a datatype. As I said in the previous question, I have experienced the similar phenomenon in a more realistic (but still small) setting.
Can anyone point me to some relevant references as to what optimizations ghc/llvm does for enumerations? In particular, does it really unpack the internal tag of the enumeration on a strict data field? The assembly output and the result of profiling seem to suggest that that is the case, but to me there is no indication on the core level. Any insights will be greatly appreciated.
One more question: Are enumerations always at least as efficient as newtypes of the corresponding Integral, where using them makes sense? (Note that enumerations can behave like Integrals,too.) If not, what is the (hopefully realistically useful) exception? Daniel Fischer suggested in his answer that putting an enumeration on a strict field of a multiple-constructor datatype might prevent certain optimizations. However I have failed to verify this in the two-constructor case. Maybe there is a difference when putting them in a large multiple-constructor datatypes?
I'm also curious about what exactly is happening in the following benchmark. In all the four cases, roughly the same amount of bytes were allocated in the heap. However, for enumerations, the GC actually did less copying and the maximum residencies were smaller compared to newtypes.
(Actually my real question was, is it worthwhile to to try and convert enumerations to newtypes when performance matters? , but I assumed that being a bit more specific might be more helpful.)
A possible implication of this question would be this: If you are using a large number of Int's in your program which actually varies on some very small subset, then changing them to an enumeration (rather than to an unboxed type!) might be a performance gain (but careful for strictness).
Here is the summary of the benchmark, followed by the benchmark code and the convenience makefile for testing on your system.
benchmarking d mean: 11.09113 ns, lb 11.06140 ns, ub 11.17545 ns, ci 0.950 std dev: 234.6722 ps, lb 72.31532 ps, ub 490.1156 ps, ci 0.950 benchmarking e mean: 11.54242 ns, lb 11.51789 ns, ub 11.59720 ns, ci 0.950 std dev: 178.8556 ps, lb 73.05290 ps, ub 309.0252 ps, ci 0.950 benchmarking s mean: 11.74964 ns, lb 11.52543 ns, ub 12.50447 ns, ci 0.950 std dev: 1.803095 ns, lb 207.2720 ps, ub 4.029809 ns, ci 0.950 benchmarking t mean: 11.89797 ns, lb 11.86266 ns, ub 11.99105 ns, ci 0.950 std dev: 269.5795 ps, lb 81.65093 ps, ub 533.8658 ps, ci 0.950 OK,so the enumeration appears at least no less efficient than the newtype Next,heap profiles of the function heapTest x = print $ head $ force $ reverse $ take 100000 $ iterate (force . succ') x data D = A | B | C: 10,892,604 bytes allocated in the heap 6,401,260 bytes copied during GC 1,396,092 bytes maximum residency (3 sample(s)) 55,940 bytes maximum slop 6 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation) Productivity 47.8% of total user, 35.4% of total elapsed newtype E = E Word8: 11,692,768 bytes allocated in the heap 8,909,632 bytes copied during GC 2,779,776 bytes maximum residency (3 sample(s)) 92,464 bytes maximum slop 7 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation) Productivity 36.9% of total user, 33.8% of total elapsed data S = S !D: 10,892,736 bytes allocated in the heap 6,401,260 bytes copied during GC 1,396,092 bytes maximum residency (3 sample(s)) 55,940 bytes maximum slop 6 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation) Productivity 48.7% of total user, 33.3% of total elapsed data T = T {-# UNPACK #-} !E: 11,692,968 bytes allocated in the heap 8,909,640 bytes copied during GC 2,779,760 bytes maximum residency (3 sample(s)) 92,536 bytes maximum slop 7 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation) Productivity 36.1% of total user, 31.6% of total elapsed
A similar performance gain can be obtained in the two-constructor case.
The benchmark code(save it as EnumTest.hs):
{-# LANGUAGE CPP,MagicHash , BangPatterns ,GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Main(main,d,e,s,t,D(..),E(..),S(..),T(..))
import GHC.Base
import Data.List
import Data.Word
import Control.DeepSeq
import Criterion.Main
data D = A | B | C deriving(Eq,Ord,Show,Enum,Bounded)
newtype E = E Word8 deriving(Eq,Ord,Show,Enum)
data S = S !D deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
data T = T {-# UNPACK #-} !E deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
-- I assume the following definitions are all correct --- otherwise
-- the whole benchmark may be useless
instance NFData D where
rnf !x = ()
instance NFData E where
rnf (E !x) = ()
instance NFData S where
rnf (S !x) = ()
instance NFData T where
rnf (T (E !x)) = ()
instance Enum S where
toEnum = S . toEnum
fromEnum (S x) = fromEnum x
instance Enum T where
toEnum = T . toEnum
fromEnum (T x) = fromEnum x
instance Bounded E where
minBound = E 0
maxBound = E 2
instance Bounded S where
minBound = S minBound
maxBound = S maxBound
instance Bounded T where
minBound = T minBound
maxBound = T maxBound
succ' :: (Eq a,Enum a,Bounded a) => a -> a
succ' x | x == maxBound = minBound
| otherwise = succ x
-- Those numbers below are for easy browsing of the assembly code
d :: D -> Int#
d x = case x of
A -> 1234#
B -> 5678#
C -> 9412#
e :: E -> Int#
e x = case x of
E 0 -> 1357#
E 1 -> 2468#
E _ -> 9914#
s :: S -> Int#
s x = case x of
S A -> 9876#
S B -> 5432#
S C -> 1097#
t :: T -> Int#
t x = case x of
T (E 0) -> 9630#
T (E 1) -> 8529#
T (E _) -> 7418#
benchmark :: IO ()
benchmark = defaultMain [ bench "d" $ whnf d' A
, bench "e" $ whnf e' (E 0)
, bench "s" $ whnf s' (S A)
, bench "t" $ whnf t' (T (E 0))
d' x = I# (d x)
e' x = I# (e x)
s' x = I# (s x)
t' x = I# (t x)
heapTest :: (NFData a,Show a,Eq a,Enum a,Bounded a) => a -> IO ()
heapTest x = print $ head $ force $ reverse $ take 100000 $ iterate (force . succ') x
main :: IO ()
main =
#if defined TEST_D
heapTest (A :: D)
#elif defined TEST_E
heapTest (E 0 :: E)
#elif defined TEST_S
heapTest (S A :: S)
#elif defined TEST_T
heapTest (T (E 0) :: T)
-- A minor rant:
-- For reliable statistics, I hope Criterion will run the code in *random order*,
-- at least for comparing functions with the same type. Elapsed times on my system are just too
-- noisy to conclude anything.
The makefile used for the benchmark:
# If you dont't like the ATT syntax in the output assembly, use this: -fllvm -optlc --x86-asm-syntax=intel
GHC_DEBUG_FLAGS= -keep-s-file -keep-llvm-file # -optlc --x86-asm-syntax=intel
GHCFLAGS=-O2 -funbox-strict-fields -rtsopts -fllvm -fwarn-missing-signatures
GHC_PROF_MAKE=$(GHC) -prof -auto-all -caf-all --make $(GHCFLAGS)
all : benchmark enumtest_all
enumtest_d : EnumTest.hs
$(GHC_MAKE) -o $@ $^ -DTEST_D
enumtest_e : EnumTest.hs
$(GHC_MAKE) -o $@ $^ -DTEST_E
enumtest_s : EnumTest.hs
$(GHC_MAKE) -o $@ $^ -DTEST_S
enumtest_t : EnumTest.hs
$(GHC_MAKE) -o $@ $^ -DTEST_T
enumtest_all : enumtest_d enumtest_e enumtest_s enumtest_t
for x in $^; do ./$$x +RTS -sstderr ;done
benchmark : EnumTest
time ./$^
% : %.hs
$(GHC_MAKE) -o $@ $^
%.core : %.hs
$(GHC) -S $(GHCFLAGS) $(GHC_DEBUG_FLAGS) -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all -dsuppress-coercions -ddump-stranal $^ > $@
clean :
rm *.hi *.o *.core *.s enumtest_? ; true
Thank you very much!
you misunderstood that. If you have a constructor
of a type, doesn't matter whether that type has multiple constructors or just one, with a strict field of typeT
,C ... !T ...
, then the strict field can be unpacked ifT
is a newtype wrapper around an unpackable type, but not ifT
is an enumeration. It should in principle be possible to unpack the constructor tag of the value of typeT
too, but GHC just doesn't do that (there's probably a reason for that, it may be more complicated than I see). Nevertheless, for small enough enumeration types, the pointer tagging mentioned by Mikhail Gushenkov should have more or less the same effect (not quite, perhaps).But for enumeration types with more than 3 or 7 (for 64-bit words) constructors, where following the pointer is necessary in some cases, the difference should manifest.
Second, the short answer to
Whether a conversion would actually improve performance, and by how much, depends on what you are doing with the values. It could also make your programme slower. And it may use more memory (see below).
There is no general rule, each case needs to be evaluated. There are patterns where newtype-wrapped
s are faster, there are patterns where they are slower. A typical programme would contain instances of both, and one must find out which dominate.Now to the benchmark.
I took the liberty of changing the arguments in the benchmark, using
instead ofA
andE 2
instead ofE 0
. The results were that the newtype was slightly faster for these:So the benchmark shows no substantial difference in either case, and the overall outcome depends on the supplied arguments. With
resp.E 1
, the difference was smaller, but in my run, the newtype won there too.Note however, that the estimated cost of a
call is about four times as large as the mean for any of these, and the estimated clock resolution more than 100 times. I am not convinced that these results are reliable. Considering the variance I observe on my system for short benchmarks, I do not trust benchmarks for anything that runs less than 10 microseconds. I prefer tests running longer because the results are more stable and fewer outliers are produced.Regarding
iterate (force . succ')
doesn't force the elements of the list as it is constructed, so you get a list of thunks (of increasing depth), reverse the initial segment of that, and then force the list elements.So the overwhelming part of work and allocation done in that is the construction of thunks and the list, and then the evaluation of the thunks. You get a more meaningful result if you prevent the building of large thunks by forcing the elements as they are generated,
(a bang pattern - WHNF - is enough to completely evaluate values of the types in question).
Still, there is the observable and consistent difference in the allocation figures between the enumeration and the newtype variants, and that remains also with
. And also if instead of reversing an initial segment and taking thehead
of that, one simply takeslist !! index
, where it becomes even more impressive because the other figures (copied bytes, maximum residency) then are small.The reason is that list elements can't be unboxed, so the list cells contain pointers to the element values, and the enumeration values are shared (there exists only one
in the entire programme), so all these pointers point to the same object, but integers aren't shared, so each list cell points to a different object.The difference in allocation is on your system almost exactly 800,000 bytes, on mine 1,600,000.
That is what 200,000 words need, what allocation of 100,000
, ...) requires (per value, one word for the constructor, and one for aWord#
).Without looking at the compiler output, I think that the absence of speed increase in the newtype version of your code may be due to pointer tagging. On x86, GHC reserves 2 bits in each pointer for information about the pointed-to closure. 00 means "unevaluated or unknown", and the other 3 cases encode the actual tag of the evaluated constructor. This information is updated dynamically by the garbage collector. Since you have only 3 cases in your test data type, they always fit in the tag bits, and therefore pattern-matching never requires an indirection. Try adding more cases to your data type, and see what happens. You can find more information about dynamic pointer tagging in this paper: