Because it's not trivial to tell short domain names apart from TLDs, Microsoft maintains a list of special cases for IE8. The list can be found in res://urlmon.dll/ietldlist.xml
However, I don't understand how to actually make use of that list. Even the privileged two-letter domains that are listed seem to misbehave.
For example, the domain can be found on the list. But here's what I get in IE8's javascript console:
The same method works perfectly on a longer domain, such as (I cleared my cookies before this example to avoid unrelated noise):
Is the list of special cases actually broken, or do I simply misunderstand its purpose? Is there any way to set cookies (not limited to a subdomain) for short domains in IE8?
No good info in the documentation. However, I found a good write up on this in an MSDN blog post.
Most relevant to your question is Q6:
Other interesting tidbits:
From Microsoft Support (Affects IE 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0) :