I am trying to display an AngularStrap dropdown manually, leveraging the trigger
configuration on $dropdownProvider
as such
// how dropdown is triggered - click | hover | focus | manual
app.config(function($dropdownProvider) {
angular.extend($dropdownProvider.defaults, {
trigger: 'manual'
all work fine, but why not manual
? I have yet to discover any proof that this offered api configuration option works. How can I do this?
In fact, this issue seems to have been discovered after my original question positing, but is now closed and over a year later I have yet to find a solution still.
Issue: Documentation on how to use trigger=manual is missing
I have stubbed out an example that illustrates where I am struggling with this. To clarify my goal, I want to trigger the dropdown in my <textarea>
on a keystroke (ng-model
change). I am looking to get a hold on the dropdown and call a function to manually trigger it without using any of the default trigger options, specifically trigger: manual
, and in an intuitive way to do so as should be offered according to the api, so the desired solution should not be constrained to any specific trigger - but entirely manual to accommodate many differing usages.
<textarea ng-model="expression" intellisense></textarea>
app.directive('intellisense', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
scope.$watch(attrs.ngModel, function (v) {
if(v) {
// how do I trigger dropdown here on keystroke (model change)?
For anyone interested, after digging through the source code, I discovered an attribute on directive
with the following implementation.This essentially drives the dropdown markup to include this and bind to a
value as suchThen within my directive I can trigger visibility by modifying
as bound onbs-show="drop"
It appears this was documented on a project commit as referenced here. The official documentation still makes no mention of this as the time of writing, and given the timeline of this I am surprised the lack of attention this has received.
Plunker Link with
trigger: manual
When I have a dropdown as above and want to trigger it manually, I add an
to the element :and then simply trigger the elements
method :demo -> http://plnkr.co/edit/v5AuBOiMN6TZCPE4eYk2?p=preview
This can be combined with angular-hotkeys :
Manually triggering datepickers (or any dropdown) is now much easier with v2.0.4 of ngStrap. For more details, see this Github comment.
Here's a working plunk to demonstrate the datepicker as both a manually-triggered dropdown, and as a manually-triggered inline element.
(And you really don't even need the
, so you can leave that off if you want).As for the intellisense directive, that doesn't sound like the issue here, so I'll leave that to you...