I've made a chat app that uses Firebase's feature Real-time database
I face a problem with google authentication. The problem started when I downloaded the app from the Play Store, the authentication was working perfectly when I was running the app in debug mode. When users try to sign in they get a toast message code:10 message:10
I would like to note here that: I've added the SHA1 fingerprint. How can I solve this?
*Not sure if this is helpful but I've followed step by step this tutorial
Make sure you have added signed SHA1. If you are using debug one then it will not gonna work for live apk.
You need to put "debug.keystore" in this path C:\Users\USER_FOLDER_NAME.android
then in Android studio follow the below steps 1. Run your project 2. Click on Gradle menu 3. Expand Gradle Tasks tree 4. Double click on android -> signingReport
You can see SHA in Run Tab
for more information see link
You need three keys in order to make it work:
The debug key. Informations here.
The release key. Informations here.
Google Play App signing key. Informations here.
All these keys are needed in order to make the sign-in process work.
Other informations here.