I've seen this subject about puting a border around an android textview, and I used it. But now, I would like to put a border around widgets which are situated into a relative layout. How can I do it?
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Though all the provided answers work,they are very rigid.what if you want to customise border color,borderthickness for different screens. for that you should try my solution.We are going to follow three steps in creating a custom RelativeLayout that allow you to provide borderColor and Thickness for bottom border.
1)Create a class that extends RelativeLayout and override on Draw method
2)Define stylable properties in attrs.xml
3) you are done and you can use it like
Create a FrameLayout that gets the background color of your border, and a margin or padding of your border width, and place that FrameLayout in your RelativeLayout. Place the TextView in your FrameLayout instead of directly in the RelativeLayout. poof instant border.
folder, create a new filebackground_border.xml
In this file, you will define the background for widget like this:
eg. if you want to put your border on a relativelayout: