I need to move a hive table from one database to another. How can I do that?
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If the tables are partitioned, then basically you can copy partitioned data from old table to new table and delete old tables.
use new_db;
Create new table in new database:
Insert data in new tables from old tables using the command:
You can try - CTAS
that improvement is still open. I know that it's possible in Impala, not in Hive currently.
Development seems stalled. You can vote up for that issue on that page to bring some attention.
There are many methods given in answers but no guide on when to use what,
Use CTAS when your target is a Managed table:
If you just want to do it with a simple table name change, but the location of the table doesn't change:
create external table new_db.table like old_db.table location '(path of file in hdfs file)';
if you have partition in table then you have to add partition in new_db.table.
This might be helpful to you.
Some sample statements would look like:
The below import commands imports to an external table instead of a managed one