I am receiving a fatal error in my php/mysqli code which states that on line 46:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::fetch_assoc() in ...
I just want to know how can I remove this fatal error?
The line of code it is pointing at is here:
$row = $stmt->fetch_assoc();
$query = "SELECT Username, Email FROM User WHERE User = ?";
// prepare query
// You only need to call bind_param once
// execute query
// get result and assign variables (prefix with db)
$stmt->bind_result($dbUser, $dbEmail);
//get number of rows
$numrows = $stmt->num_rows();
if ($numrows == 1){
$row = $stmt->fetch_assoc();
$dbemail = $row['Email'];
$query = "SELECT Username, Email FROM User WHERE User = ?";
// prepare query
// You only need to call bind_param once
// execute query
// get result and assign variables (prefix with db)
$stmt->bind_result($dbUser, $dbEmail);
//get number of rows
$numrows = $stmt->num_rows();
if ($numrows == 1){
$row = $stmt->fetch_assoc();
$dbemail = $row['Email'];
The variable $stmt is of type mysqli_stmt, not mysqli_result. The mysqli_stmt class doesn't have a method "fetch_assoc()" defined for it.
You can get a mysqli_result object from your mysqli_stmt object by calling its get_result() method. For this you need the mysqlInd driver installed!
If you don't have the driver installed you can fetch your results like this:
So your code should become:
It's best to use mysqlnd as Asciiom pointed out. But if you're in a weird situation where you are not allowed to install mysqlnd, it is still possible to get your data into an associative array without it. Try using the code in this answer Mysqli - Bind results to an Array
You have missed this step
I realized that this code was provided as an answer somewhere on stackoverflow:
I tried it to get the number of rows but realized that i didnt need the line
, and it didn't get me my number. I used this:Change,