Can someone help me how to upload an image into Cloudninary using CodeIgniter? I don't know how to install the Cloudinary to CodeIgniter and use it because I'm new to PHP CodeIgniter. Please help me thank you.
Update! I was able to solve it. See the first answer. cheers
This code works for me
To use the cloudinary library:
Now inside your controller, in a function. You need to set up first the api credentials like this:
Cloudinary::config(array( "cloud_name" => "yourcloudname", "api_key" => "yourapikey", "api_secret" => "yoursecretkey" ));
Now to upload:
$data['upload'] = \Cloudinary\Uploader::upload("image url you want to download");
And your done. for more information about the api you can then refer to the official documentation in