Is quaternion rotation just a vector with X,Y,Z which the object will rotate towards, and a roll which turns the object on its axis?
Is it that simple?
Meaning if you have X=0, Z=0 and Y=1 the object will face upwards?
And if you have Y=0, Z=0 and X=1 the object will face to the right?
(assuming X right, Y up and Z depth)
A quaternion has 4 components, which can be related to an angle θ and an axis vector n. The rotation will make the object rotate about the axis n by an angle θ.
For example, if we have an cube like
Then a rotation of 90° about the axis (x=0, y=0, z=1) will rotate the "5" face from the left to the front.
(Note: This is the axis/angle description of rotation, which is what OP confuses. For how quaternion is applied to rotation, see
A quaternion in general is an extension of a complex number into 4 dimensions. So no, they are not just x, y, and z, and an angle, but they're close. More below...
Quaternions can be used to represent rotation, so they're useful for graphics:
So what are the 4 components and how do they relate to the rotation?
So back to your question,
No... the object will rotate around this
vector, i.e. it will rotate around the y axis, turning counterclockwise as seen from above, if your graphics system uses right-hand rotation. (And if we plug in w = sqrt(1 - (0 + 1 + 0)), your unit quaternion is (0,0,1,0), and it will rotate by angle 2 cos-10, = 2 * 90 degrees = 180 degrees or pi radians.)This will rotate around the vector
, the x axis, so it will rotate counterclockwise as seen from the positive x direction (e.g. right). So the top would turn forward (180 degrees, so it would rotate until it faced downward).