I added the "xUnit.net runner for Visual Studio" v0.99.8 via Extensions Manager, but when I open the Test Explorer window, it does not seem to pick up any of my unit tests. Also, the Resharper 9 EAP does which is the only version of Resharper that supports VS2015 does seem yet to have the plugin for xUnit Test Runner.
How then, can I run xUnit Unit Tests in VS2015 Preview?
You can find the answer here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2014/11/12/announcing-asp-net-features-in-visual-studio-2015-preview-and-vs2013-update-4.aspx
If anyone is asking how to add https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetvnext/api/v2 as a NuGet package source... here are the steps:
Happy coding!
You need to add reference to these 3 nuget packages:
Check this article for more info: http://blog.developers.ba/unit-integration-testing-in-asp-net-5-and-visual-studio-2015-using-xunit-net/
Regarding managing / running the tests through test explorer, it is available through nuget. I had to install package xunit.runner.visualstudio version 0.99.9-build1021 in the test projects. After building the solution, the tests showed up fine and I was able to run them.
BTW, this was for a windows service but should work for ASP.NET/Web projects.
With visual studio 2015 RC I could not get tests to work with the following:
But tests started showing up in the Test Explorer after changing the casing of the first letter "x" to "X"
When I change it back to lower case it fails. I have not yet found a way to get these tests to show up in the latest version of Resharper at this time.
Here is the post I followed to get this far and everything worked except for the casing for some reason:
I know this will be out of date soon, but hopefully it helps someone in the mean time :)