i was using raphaeljs , and i want to show html(not only text) in svg,
so i use this code :
var r = Raphael("holder", 200, 300);
var t = r.text(10, 10, "ssdwqdwq");
but i cant change the svg's content , so i console it in firebug ,
it show this :
<text x="10" y="13.5" text-anchor="middle" style="font: 10px "Arial";" font="10px "Arial"" stroke="none" fill="#000000">
so how to change the text using javscript on svg
SVG nodes don't have a innerHTML property (they're not HTML).
Use textContent instead:
I was able to accomplish this by setting the textContent property of the
element. Makes it a lot easier if you know the ID of the element.if the code for the svg text is like this:
if you are using JQuery try this: