I used the solution accepted for this question for encrypting by id for example in /index.php?id=3 . The problem is I cannot send the encrypted value as an url, example /index.php?id=dsf13f3343f23/23=. Because sometimes it will have weird characters in the url e.g. notice the =
sign in the end
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The weird characters in the values passed in the URL should be escaped, using
).For example, the following portion of code :
would give you :
Which works fine, as an URL parameter.
And if you want to build aquery string with several parameters, take a look at the
function.For example :
will give you :
This function deals with escaping and concatenating the parameters itself ;-)
There is no use in encrypting parameters.
Send it as is:
nothing wrong with it.
Use PHP's
function to encode the value before you put it into a URL.This function converts "weird" characters, such as
, into a format safe to put into a URL. You can use it like this:If you use Base64 to encode the binary value for the URL, there is also a variant with URL and filename safe alphabet.
You can use the
function to translate one from alphabet to the other:So you can use these functions to encode and decode base64url:
See also my answer on What is a good way to produce an short alphanumeric string from a long md5 hash?