I'm getting this error from Firebase Messaging API:
[Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM002010] Cannot subscribe to topic: /topics/testTopic with token: (null)
But before:
Messaging.messaging().subscribe(toTopic: "/topics/testTopic")
I'm printing out the token like this:
print("TOKEN: \(InstanceID.instanceID().token() ?? "NO TOKEN")")
The result is:
So the token isn't null.
Am I doing something wrong? Anyone some help?
In MessagingDelegate try it:
The problem was that I wanted to subscribe in
but in that point not all services were set up. The solution was to subscribe in the delegatedidRegisterUserNotificationSettings
.The most ideal place to resolve this issue is in the MessagingDelegate method didRefreshRegistrationToken.
I had similar problem. The solution was to invoke
first:instead of: