I need help with a little Javascript. I want to display two images on Qualtrics but after a 5 second delay.
To be more clear, Image2 should display after 5 seconds of Image1 being displayed.
/*Place Your Javascript Below This Line*/
This is a modification of the timer on the Qualtrics site:
A few notes:
This is the CSS:
Image 1:
This is the html:
Add this javascript replacing the default Qualtrics JavaScript:
Image 2:
This is the html:
The JavaScript that replaces the default Qualtrics JavaScript:
You actually don't need Javascript to do this. In Qualtrics you can add a "Timing" question to auto-advance the participant after 5 seconds. Here's how:
That should do it. If you have any more questions, just ask us at support@qualtrics.com
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