I am having trouble getting Team Build to execute my MbUnit unit tests. I have tried to edit TFSBuild.proj and added the following parts:
<Project ...>
<UsingTask TaskName="MbUnit.MSBuild.Tasks.MbUnit" AssemblyFile="path_to_MbUnit.MSBuild.Tasks.dll" />
<TestAssemblies Include="$(OutDir)\Project1.dll" />
<TestAssemblies Include="$(OutDir)\Project2.dll" />
<Target Name="Tests">
ReportOutputDirectory="." />
But I have yet to get the tests to run.
You don't need to call MSBuild again to have your ItemGroup populated, there is a easier way. Re-calling MSBuild has its downsides, like passing all Teambuild-parameters on to make TeamBuild-tasks work. We use the CreateItem task from MSBuild to dynamically generate a ItemGroup with all our Test DLLs:
The way ItemGroups in MSBuild work is that they are evaluated at the very start of the MSBuild scripts, before any targets are ran. Therefore if the assemblies don't exist yet (which they will not because they have not been built yet) then the ItemGroups will not find any files.
The usual pattern in MSBuild to work around this is to re-call MSBuild again at this point so that when the item groups get evaluated in the inner MSBuild execution, the assemblies will exist.
For example, something like:
Hope that helps, good luck.
Above suggestion didn't help me a lot, but I found some documentation for Team Build and adjusted my build script to override the AfterCompile target:
(EDIT: Now that I have a better understanding of Team Build, I have added some more to the test runner. It will now update the Build Explorer/Build monitor with build steps with details about the test run)