I am trying to upload a file to a remote server using Python 2.7, but when I run the script, the file on the remote FTP server is always called test_0test_
on remote FTP server, rather than test_0_13.pic.jpg
as I would expect. Any ideas?
from ftplib import FTP
hosts = [('', 'admin', '12345')]
local_file = r'/Users/foo/Downloads/13.pic.jpg'
remote_file_base_name_prefix = 'test_'
counter = 0
for host, name, password in hosts:
f = FTP(host, name, password)
print remote_file_base_name_prefix+str(counter)+remote_file_base_name_suffix
with open(local_file, 'rb') as f_local:
f.storbinary('STOR {}'.format(remote_file_base_name_prefix+str(counter)+remote_file_base_name_prefix), f_local)
print "{} - done".format(host)
thanks in advance, Lin
Ah, you just had a typo in your code:
should be