I am trying to test connection to webservice using the soap UI. Created the project by importing the WSDL into soapUI and also set the keystore and keystore password under SSL seetings.
However when I submit the request I get below error. Not sure how to register "https". Can you please help?
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Scheme 'https' not registered
You can try to create a groovy testStep in your testCase with the code below, this code creates the SSLContext and registry the https scheme... however I'm not sure that this can works in your environment because some times the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Scheme 'https' not registered
is an issue in the network (could be you are behind a proxy etc.). Hope this helps.Alternatively you can use
SOAPUI 5.1.3
version, which seems that doesn't have this problem.