I was wondering how to insert a <DIV>
tag in between the pagination bar
and the actual TABLE
that starts the results display if I have the
pagination bar at the top. If I just put the <DIV>
tag right before my
display:table, it also includes the pagination stuff inside the scroll bar.
Also, I cannot figure out how to set the style to TBODY
as it is a little bit
confusing. I am not sure if you guys wrote this stuff but can you advise me
if you have any idea how to achieve this.
and my code is
<display:table id="data1" name="invprbmList" requestURI="" pagesize="10" export="true" style="width:100%;" decorator="org.displaytag.decorator.TotalTableDecorator">
<tr><td><display:setProperty name="paging.banner.item_name">Invoice</display:setProperty>
<display:setProperty name="paging.banner.items_name">Invoices</display:setProperty>
<display:setProperty name="paging.banner.some_items_found"><span class="pagebanner"> {0} Invoices found, displaying {2} to {3}. </span></display:setProperty>
<bean:define id="invoiceNo"><bean:write name="data1" property="invoiceNo"/></bean:define>
<bean:define id="notes"><bean:write name="data1" property="notes"/></bean:define>
<bean:define id="strFlag"><bean:write name="data1" property="strFlag"></bean:write></bean:define>
<display:column title="Invoice No." sortable="true" property="invoiceNo" media="xml csv pdf excel" class="l" headerClass="hl" />
<display:column property="invDate" title="Invoice Date" format="{0,date,dd-MMM-yyyy}" sortable="true" class="l" headerClass="hl"/>
<display:column media="html" title="Amount" property="invAmount" format="<%=strDispCurrency %>" sortable="true" class="r" headerClass="hr" />
<display:column title="Amount" sortable="true" property="invAmount" media="xml csv pdf excel" class="r" headerClass="hr" />
<display:column property="dueDate" title="Due Date" format="{0,date,dd-MMM-yyyy}" sortable="true" class="l" headerClass="hl"/>
<display:column media="html" title="Balance" property="balance" format="<%=strDispCurrency %>" sortable="true" class="r" headerClass="hr" />
<display:column title="Balance" sortable="true" property="balance" media="xml csv pdf excel" class="r" headerClass="hr" />
<display:column title="Notes" sortable="true" property="notes" media="xml csv pdf excel" class="c" headerClass="hc"/>
<display:column property="invPoNum" title="P.O. No." sortable="true" class="l" headerClass="hl"/>
<display:column property="invRefNo" title="Ref. No." sortable="true" class="lbr" headerClass="hlbr"/>
<display:column property="status" title="Status" sortable="true" class="l" headerClass="hl"/>
If it is included in scrollable, put:
You can't have a non-scrollable element inside scrollable table. Maybe you could define that element as absolute position, and to make it like that, but I wouldn't recommend that.
With your code try like this:
That way it will
not be included
in table that are scrolledTake a look at this example I made:
Create a
as:call this
class in your JSP's JavaScript:and make your
as:download flexcroll.js and flexcrollstyles.css from http://www.hesido.com/web.php?page=customscrollbar and include these files.