I'm a beginner and new to Excel VBA, but I'm trying to automate some file sharing in FTP (WinSCP) by connecting to Excel and maybe creating a macro that will help. In FTP I went to Session > Generate Session URL/code > Script (script file) and the following code is there:
open ftp://myUsername:myPassword@theHostname/
# Your command 1
# Your command 2
I'm assuming the open line would connect Excel to FTP. I'm referencing code from this site to put into the '# command' area: https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/261043-connecting-ftp-excel.html
open ftp://myUsername:myPassword@theHostname/
Option Explicit
Sub FtpTest()
MsgBox fnDownloadFile("ftp://yoursite", "username", "password", _
"The name of your file", _
"C:\The name of your file to save as")
End Sub
Function fnDownloadFile(ByVal strHostName As String, _
ByVal strUserName As String, _
ByVal strPassWord As String, _
ByVal strRemoteFileName As String, _
ByVal strLocalFileName As String) As String
'// Set a reference to: Microsoft Internet Transfer Control
'// This is the Msinet.ocx
Dim FTP As Inet 'As InetCtlsObjects.Inet
Set FTP = New Inet 'InetCtlsObjects.Inet
On Error GoTo Errh
With FTP
.URL = strHostName
.Protocol = 2
.UserName = strUserName
.Password = strPassWord
.Execute , "Get " + strRemoteFileName + " " + strLocalFileName
Do While .StillExecuting
fnDownloadFile = .ResponseInfo
End With
Set FTP = Nothing
Exit Function
fnDownloadFile = "Error:-" & Err.Description
Resume Xit
End Function
I did as this site said to go to VBA Editor > Tools > reference and check off Microsoft Internet Control.
1) Am I using the code right? Did I place it in the right area (in the '# command' area)? And right now I put the entire code in a Command Button, but when I click it it just gives me a Syntax Error highlighting the first line: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click())
2) Do I leave the Msgbox on the 3rd line as is to wait for user input or do I fill out with my username/password/hostname? (I'm not very good with functions in VBA yet) If I do fill it out in the code, what do I put for the "yoursite" value since I'm not accessing a website?
I'm sorry I'm so confused :( Any help would be great and thank you in advance!
I think that You should take a look here - Excel VBA reference for Inet objects it is shown here how to add refernce for INet objects in vba. Furthermore when You just want to test if the code works, instead of assigning macro to button and so on, if You use "Function" then when You go to worksheet cell and start to type =fnDown ... You should see Your macro - there You can put Your function parameters. However first of all You have to take care of the reference to Inet.
This link might also be helpful: VBA Excel and FTP with MSINET.OCX and Inet type