So my app relies on an internet connection and every time the app is opened from the home screen it checks using Reachability and then allows the user to continue or tells them to get connected. My issue however is that when the app is resumed from multitasking, it skips the initial view controller and goes straight to where they were. Is there any way in swift that I could get the app to refresh or restart when it is resumed from multi-tasking?
EDIT When using this code:
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "MainStoryboard", bundle: nil)
self.window.rootViewController = MainStoryboard.instantiateInitialViewController()
I get expected declaration error.
I just added the following in the plist: "Application does not run in background" and set it to "YES"
Seem to be working.
You can set your root view controller and it will restart you main VC. Assuming your using a storyboard:
(self is referring to your AppDelegate)
You can use navigation controller: