When a user taps a push notification, I want them to be taken to a specific table view controller in my app. This table view controller is embedded in a navigation controller, which is embedded in a tab bar controller (my root view controller). The image shown below visualizes this.
The root view Tab Bar Controller has a storyboard ID of "HomeVC" and a class name of "HomeViewController", the Navigation Controller has a storyboard ID of "SettingsNavigationVC", and the Table View Controller has a storyboard ID of "SettingsTableVC" and a class name of "SettingsNavigationVC".
I have push notifications working. By working, I mean I can send a message from a device and receive it on another device, but when the receiver taps the notification I can't seem to get any other view controller to open other than the root view controller. According to the push notification guide I'm using, I'm using the following code in the didReceiveRemoteNotification
func application(application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [NSObject: AnyObject]) {
let rootVC = self.window!.rootViewController
if PFUser.currentUser() != nil {
let settingsTableVC = SettingsTableViewController()
rootVC?.navigationController?.pushViewController(settingsTableVC, animated: false)
What am I doing wrong, or what must I do to present the right view controller?
Try this
In order to push to the specific view controller, you must replace below line:
And for presenting any view controller, you must use this: