I am trying to get all of the transactions on a Coinbase account, which requires pagination. The documentation is sparse on how to do this in Python, but I have managed to make it work:
client = Client(keys['apiKey'], keys['apiSecret'])
accounts = client.get_accounts()
for account in accounts.data:
txns = client.get_transactions(account.id, limit=25)
while True:
for tx in txns.data:
if txns.pagination.next_uri != None:
starting_after_guid = re.search('starting_after=([0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12})', txns.pagination.next_uri, re.I)[1]
txns = client.get_transactions(account.id, limit=25, starting_after=starting_after_guid)
The pagination object only contains next_uri everything else is null/None--it is supposed to contain a dict that includes starting_after
among other helpful data. The regex search seems silly, but it works.
Is there a better way?
Above snippet encountered error. This works