I am using some arabic text in my app. on simulator Arabic Text is diplaying fine.
BUT on device it is not displaying Properly.
On Simulator it is like مَرْحَبًا that.
But on device it is like مرحبا.
My need is this one مَرْحَبًا.
I am using some arabic text in my app. on simulator Arabic Text is diplaying fine.
BUT on device it is not displaying Properly.
On Simulator it is like مَرْحَبًا that.
But on device it is like مرحبا.
My need is this one مَرْحَبًا.
Create text resources for a MIDP application, and how to load them at run-time. This technique is unicode safe, and so is suitable for all languages. The run-time code is small, fast, and uses relatively little memory.
Creating the Text Source
The process starts with creating a text file. When the file is loaded, each line becomes a separate String object, so you can create a file like:
This needs to be in UTF-8 format. On Windows, you can create UTF-8 files in Notepad. Make sure you use Save As..., and select UTF-8 encoding.
Make the name arb.utf8
This needs to be converted to a format that can be read easily by the MIDP application. MIDP does not provide convenient ways to read text files, like J2SE's BufferedReader. Unicode support can also be a problem when converting between bytes and characters. The easiest way to read text is to use DataInput.readUTF(). But to use this, we need to have written the text using DataOutput.writeUTF().
Below is a simple J2SE, command-line program that will read the .uft8 file you saved from notepad, and create a .res file to go in the JAR.
To convert arb.utf8 to arb.res, run the converter as:
Using the Text at Runtime
Place the .res file in the JAR.
In the MIDP application, the text can be read with this method:
Load and use text like this:
Hope this will help you. Thanks