I need to create the following rule to place in my .htaccess
- Firstly I want to execetue file in the main folder (/) (if requestedfile exists)
- Secondly I'd like to search for this file in subfolder -> /subfolder
- And If the file doesn't exist in point 1 and 2 id like to redirect the request do /index.php
What would be the best way to do it.
Thanks for help :)
ps The first point could be eliminated as a simpler solution. So if the user entered url /file.jpeg the server would serach for this file in /subfolder and if didn't find this file than it would redirect the rquest do index.php
I am assuming your URL looks like this:
. If URL is different give details.Add this to your
in yourDocumentRoot
.Changed to suit OPs requirement.
This is just a supplemental to the approach ThinkingMonkey outlines. As I commented, the % variables are only available on the next cond or rule. However the rule $ variables are available for both the conds and the rule replacement string, hence rule 2 should be written as (with the same caveats about using DOCUMENT_ROOT):
or if you want to do the opposite