I have a TWebBrowser component that show a Google maps page. The problem is that when user press F5 the page refresh and page reloads. This cause javascript variables to reinitialize and get out of sync with Delphi and a scripting error dialog appear, 'undefined' is null or not an object.
I want to stop refresh from the user.
I tried this event for OnBeforeNavigate2:
procedure TNewOrganizationForm.mapAddressBeforeNavigate2(ASender: TObject;
const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData,
Headers: OleVariant; var Cancel: WordBool);
Cancel := Assigned(fMapEngine) and not fMapEngine.Loading;
But when I set a breakpoint it is not even called. Is there another way ?
Ronald you can use the IHTMLDocument2.onkeydown event to intercept and block a key.
to assign an event handler first you must create a procedure type using the
as parameter.then you must create an class descendent from
to pass and process the events .finally you can process the intercepted key in the onkeydown event in this way
//check the full source code
I did not find an easy way to do this. I could not find any event or anything similar on TWebBrowser, that would dissable refresh. Maybe you should check TEmbededWB as it has more events and is more capable than the default TWebBrowser. Otherwise they are very similar.
But I found a way to prevent refresh. Now it is funny that even with KeyPreview set to "True" on the main form I could not recieve key notifications. It seems that TWebBrowser eats them up somehow. But this worked:
Not the most elegant way but at least it works. I have not found a better solution yet.