i have a spreadsheet that i keep track of tasks i need to do, once complete i enter a date in the last column. What i want is for that completed task to be moved to sheet 2.
At present i have sheet 1 named SUD_schedule and i want the completed row of data to be moved to sheet 2 named SUD_archive. I've looked through the forum posts already and i've tried a variation of scripts but so far no luck. The closest i have come is this script:
function onEdit() {
var sheet1 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();//Original sheet
var sheet2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()[1];//target sheet
// to act on only one sheet, check the sheet name here:
//If it si not first sheet, it will do nothing
if (sheet1.getSheetName() != "SUD_schedule") {
//Get Row and column index of active cell.
var rowIndex = sheet1.getActiveRange().getRowIndex();
var colIndex = sheet1.getActiveRange().getColumnIndex();
//If the selected column is 10th and it is not a header row
if (colIndex == 16 && rowIndex > 1) {
//Get the data from the current row
var data = sheet1.getRange(rowIndex,1,1,9).getValues();
var lastRow2;
//Copy the data to the lastRow+1th row in target sheet
Column P (16) is the task complete date, row 1 is frozen and contains column headers.
Can anybody help show where i'm going wrong.
Kind regards Den
I am not sure that the syntax you have as used below is entirely correct.
What I know will work for certain is if you omit the variable lastRow2 all together and use this instead.
To complement Joachin's answer, here is how you can adapt that code if you don't have the date in the last row. In the below shown part of the code replace
with your last column.Your code is not generic and you are more complicating your objective. Below will work out your need.