I have made a simple 2D state change game using Bucky's slick Java tutorials, I modified this game and now want to set collisions on the map so that my player can not go through the house on the map. I think I kind of have a idea of how collisions work:
you make 2 rectangles using the following code:
public Rectangle getBounds() {
return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
1 for the player and 1 for the obstacle, how would I put this into my code and how would I tell java that the rectangle for the obstacle is different to the player rectangle?
Then after making the 2 rectangles I would set up a if statement saying something like if intersects do this...
Hopefully after this I think it would work. Some more information on the game, it being a state change game it has a few methods, methods like init, render and update (where do I place my rectangles and if statements, in the update method?) also, its a overhead view game kind of like pokemon if that helps. If you require my code please ask, I did not want to put it on now to overcrowd this post.
package javagame;
import org.newdawn.slick.*;
import org.newdawn.slick.state.*;
public class Play extends BasicGameState{
Animation bucky, movingUp, movingDown, movingLeft, movingRight, movingBL, movingBR, movingFL, movingFR;
Image worldMap;
boolean quit = false;//gives user to quit the game
int[] duration = {200, 200};//how long frame stays up for
float buckyPositionX = 0;
float buckyPositionY = 0;
float shiftX = buckyPositionX + 320;//keeps user in the middle of the screem
float shiftY = buckyPositionY + 160;//the numbers are half of the screen size
public Play(int state){
public void init(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg) throws SlickException{
worldMap = new Image("res/world.png");
Image[] walkUp = {new Image("res/b.png"), new Image("res/b.png")}; //these are the images to be used in the "walkUp" animation
Image[] walkDown = {new Image("res/f.png"), new Image("res/f.png")};
Image[] walkLeft = {new Image("res/l.png"), new Image("res/l.png")};
Image[] walkRight = {new Image("res/r.png"), new Image("res/r.png")};
Image[] walkBL = {new Image("res/bl.png"), new Image("res/bl.png")};
Image[] walkBR = {new Image("res/br.png"), new Image("res/br.png")};
Image[] walkFL = {new Image("res/fl.png"), new Image("res/fl.png")};
Image[] walkFR = {new Image("res/fr.png"), new Image("res/fr.png")};
movingUp = new Animation(walkUp, duration, false);
movingDown = new Animation(walkDown, duration, false);
movingLeft = new Animation(walkLeft, duration, false);
movingRight = new Animation(walkRight, duration, false);
movingBL = new Animation(walkBL, duration, false);
movingBR = new Animation(walkBR, duration, false);
movingFL = new Animation(walkFL, duration, false);
movingFR = new Animation(walkFR, duration, false);
bucky = movingDown;//facing screen initially on startup
public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, Graphics g) throws SlickException{
worldMap.draw(buckyPositionX, buckyPositionY);//position 0,0
bucky.draw(shiftX, shiftY);//makes him appear at center of map
g.drawString("Suraj's X: "+buckyPositionX+"\nSuraj's Y: "+buckyPositionY,400,20);//tells us the position
g.drawString("Resume(R)", 250, 100);
g.drawString("Main(M)", 250, 150);
g.drawString("Quit Game(Q)", 250, 200);
g.clear();//wipe off everything from screen
public void update(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, int delta)throws SlickException{
Input input = gc.getInput();
bucky = movingUp;//changes the image to his back
buckyPositionY += 10;;//increase the Y coordinates of bucky (move him up)
if(buckyPositionY>162){//if I reach the top
buckyPositionY -= 10;//stops any further movement in that direction
bucky = movingDown;
buckyPositionY -= 10;
buckyPositionY += 10;//basically change the direction if + make -
bucky = movingLeft;
buckyPositionX += 10;
buckyPositionX -= 10;//delta * .1f
bucky = movingRight;
buckyPositionX -= 10;
buckyPositionX += 10;
//2 key combos start here
if(input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_RIGHT) && input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_UP)){
bucky = movingBR;
buckyPositionX -= delta * .1f;
buckyPositionX += delta * .1f;
buckyPositionY -= delta * .1f;
if(input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_LEFT) && input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_UP)){
bucky = movingBL;
buckyPositionX -= delta * .1f;
buckyPositionX -= delta * .1f;
buckyPositionY -= delta * .1f;
if(input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_RIGHT) && input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_DOWN)){
bucky = movingFR;
buckyPositionX -= delta * .1f;
buckyPositionY += delta * .1f;
buckyPositionX += delta * .1f;
if(input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_LEFT) && input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_DOWN)){
bucky = movingFL;
buckyPositionX -= delta * .1f;
buckyPositionY += delta * .1f;
buckyPositionX -= delta * .1f;
//when the menu is up
if(quit==true){//is the menu on the screen
quit = false;//resumes the game, makes menu dissapear
sbg.enterState(0);//takes you to the main menu
System.exit(0);//quits the game
public int getID(){
return 1;
This is my Play class, the only other 2 class's I have are the main and the menu, I cant imagine the rectangle methods being made in the main or menu class so the only one left is the Play, but I dont understand how to make 2 different Rectangles (one for the player the other for the house) in the code I have done so far. If you require my main and my menu class please tell me.
Edit 3:
I have tried what you have said and made a Rectanglebase class and put the if sattement you had posted inside there but am getting errors, it is asking me to make a method for getX and getY in my player class also the public in fornt of the constructor also has a error:
public Rectanglebase{}//the public is saying syntax error
I also made a Home and Player class like you had said but am a bit confused on what I need to put in it, I put under the Home class:
return Rectangle(100,100,100,100);
but am getting errors, I am not sure if I did this correct or not. Also, in the player class for the x,y positions how would I set my float variables from my Play class for my player?
Here is an example of a Game Loop / Game Logic and collision detection via
method .It uses
to draw everything on andRectangle2D
is used forEntity
class (which is any object needed to be drawn toGamePanel
which is our JPanel where everything is drawn).The
method is where you will find the collision checking:You are Player 1 and move with W,A,S,D. When you intersect Player 2, a
will confirm the intersection.GameLogic.java:
if(house.getBounds().contains(player.getX(),player.getY()){//do something}
as long as your house and your player rectangles are defined in different classes, java will be able to tell the difference
create a class first that is a base class for dealing with rectangles:
now write classes for the house and player:
when you generate the house in your main code, you can make your own:
House house = new House();
then generate the class for the player in a similar way, then construct in in your main code:
Player player = new Player()
are different variables, this is how java will tell the difference between your house and player