The method i tried using was with openssl
$fp = fopen($key, 'r'); //open the PEM file
$priv_key = fread($fp,8192);
$pkeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key,"password");
openssl_sign($response["data_to_sign"], $signature, $pkeyid,'sha256');
$sign = base64_encode($signature)
Is this the correct Method to generate signature for signed urls in google?
There's an example here that signs a URL for Google Cloud Storage using PHP:!msg/google-api-php-client/jaRYDWdpteQ/xbNTLfDhUggJ
However - I note this is tagged with Google App Engine... If your code is running inside of Google App Engine, you should use the built-in App Identity service - (note this will only work once your application is deployed in production, not while running locally) - this means you will not need to download or handle any private keys:
You will need to make sure that the service account associated with the App Engine application is added to the team for the project that owns the Cloud Storage bucket.
I use Google Cloud Storage PHP SDK, the manual part of scripts is quite simple and looks clean.
cloud-storage PHP SDK
Install package to your project by following this page on Packagist, then
laravel-google-cloud-storage (for Laravel)
Install and configurate superbalist/laravel-google-cloud-storage by following this page: on Github, then
One thing to note that I spent about two hours on:
The GoogleAccessId you pass into the URL is the Email Address in the "Certificate" section of the Google Cloud Console. It's not the OAuth Client ID with a string replacement as Google suggests in their documentation.
I put all the answers together. This should work in out of the box project. If you have space in the paths, you will need to
the individual components, noturlencode