I'm trying to migrate our current data set to Neo4J
and was fairly successful so far until I reach this problem. I'm trying to create a set of relationships between 2 node where the name of the relationship is a variable. In my MySQL database, I have Role object which map to a pair of (Resource, Action) so I'm trying to convert it to Neo4J
with data model such as (Role)-[Action]->(Resource)
. This is what I have but this doesn't seem like valid syntax:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///roletoresourceaction.csv" AS row
MATCH (role:Role {roleId: row.ROLE_ID})
MATCH (resource:Resource {resourceId: row.RESOURCE_ID})
MATCH (action:Action {actionId: row.ACTION_ID})
MERGE (role)-[r:action.name]->(roleAsResource)
Would appreciate any help on this. Thanks.
This solution worked for me
Neo4j 3.x added support for apoc procedures (which must be installed on the server before they can be used).
With the apoc procedure
, you should be able to do the equivalent of aMERGE
of dynamic relationship types. The Cypher language, by itself, only supports the creation/merging of static relationship types.Hopefully, this works for you:
clauses verify that the relationship does not already exist before allowingapoc.create.relationship
to create it.ASIDE: I was also hoping to use the
procedure instead of theOPTIONAL MATCH
clause (with some additional changes), but that procedure currently seems to abort the query when it fails to find a match -- even testing the returned path forNULL
does not help.