Passing Slick 2.0 implicit session in elegant way

2019-04-15 06:51发布

I'm new to Slick and Scala. First of take a look at my example table with case class mapping and helper for queries SuitsManager. Now methods of SuitsManager are called by Play! controllers inside DBAction (I'm using play-slick

package models

import play.api.db.slick._
import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._

import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
import scala.slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend

case class Suit(id:Option[Long],
                complainant: String,
                defender: String,
                litigation: Long,
                litigationValue: BigDecimal,
                status: Long)

class Suits(tag: Tag) extends Table[Suit](tag, "SUITS") {

  def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
  def complainant = column[String]("complainant")
  def defender = column[String]("defender")
  def litigation = column[Long]("litigation")
  def litigationValue = column[BigDecimal]("litigationValue")
  def status = column[Long]("status")

  def * = (id.?, complainant, defender, litigation, litigationValue, status) <> (Suit.tupled, Suit.unapply)


object SuitsManager {
  val suits = TableQuery[Suits]

  def list(offset: Int, limit: Int, filter: String = "%")(implicit session: JdbcBackend#Session) = {
    suits.filter(_.defender like "%").drop(offset).take(limit).list

  def count(offset: Int, limit: Int, filter: String = "%") : Long = {    
    suits.filter(_.defender like "%").drop(offset).take(limit)

Now take a look at 2 methods in SuitsController the first one compiles because it declares implicit session parameter. The second one gives compile error:

could not find implicit value for parameter session: play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.Backend#Session

So creating helper objects for queries seems to be not very elegant. Is there any other way do it without declaring implicit session parameter? Maybe using an import? My second question: is the session parameter type JdbcBackend#Session correct? Why not just Session?

2楼-- · 2019-04-15 06:57

You can make it a helper class and session an argument of the class, if the repetition bothers you. It's explained here:

The import-solution you suggested exists as well, but it is less typesafe. See:

Session is a path-dependent type in the Slick driver cake (as in cake pattern), that's why it needs to be accessed via the # operator

3楼-- · 2019-04-15 07:09

First question: It is not possible to avoid passing around the Session in some way.

The implicit Session you pass around is not some global information of your application. The Session object represents the current open session you have with the database. With Play Slick, this database session is opened for you when a request is made to a DBAction.

That means that your Session is only available, and strictly tied to, an HTTP request. In fact, you'll find that it is a field of the implicit request => you note in every DBAction:

val someAction = DBAction { implicit request =>      // DBAction opens database session, and puts it in request.dbSession
   // Database session for this request is implicitly available on
   // the scope here and therefore may be passed to other methods implicitly
}  // Database session is closed

So you have a new and different database session for every request. Furthermore, every database interaction requires a database session. Therefore, every method that executes some query therefore needs to be provided with the current Session you have for processing your particular request.

The reason implicits are usually used for this is because it provides the cleanest code for passing around this session.

// With implicits
def helperMethod1(param: Any)(implicit s: Session) = someQuery1.list // Session is passed implicitly 
def helperMethod2(param: Any)(implicit s: Session) = // Session is passed implicitly

def action = DBAction { implicit request =>
   // Stuff
   helperMethod1(param1) // request.dbSession is passed implicitly
   // Stuff
   helperMethod2(param2) // request.dbSession is passed implicitly
   // Stuff

Versus the more repetitive

// Without implicits
def helperMethod1(param: Any, s: Session) = someQuery.list(s)  // Must pass Session explicitly
def helperMethod2(param: Any, s: Session) =

def action = DBAction { implicit request =>
   val session = request.dbSession
   // Stuff
   helperMethod1(param1, session) // Have to repeat session for every DB call
   // Stuff
   helperMethod2(param2, session)
   // Stuff

The example in the Slick documentation question that @cvogt mentions is not a good solution to your problem, as it does not reduce the amount of arguments you need to pass around in this case.

Second question: In general, Session is a so-called type alias for for JdbcBackend#Session. That means that type Session = JdbcBackend#Session, i.e. they're exactly the same. You can safely use Session in any code except, unfortunately, Play controller code.

The reason for this is that Play controllers also define a type Session. Play's Session represents the current HTTP session, based on the cookies the user has set. Unfortunately, this naming clashes with Slick's Session.

To work around this, you can alias the import: import scala.slick.driver.JdbcProfile.simple.{Session => SlickSession}.

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