in CKEDITOR Document I have a node named User_Image
User_Image node i stored in Variable Uimage
var Duimage=CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(Uimage.getOuterHtml());
now just i created (dummy) duplicate node but this code supported me in all browsers other than IE. in IE Missing Customtags. the all tags are dynamic.
then i try with following :
var Duimage=ediInstance.document.createElement("User_Image");
but in this code if i changed in Duimage it also affect in CKEDITOR Document
any other Idea to get Duplicate Node ?
First of all - check my answer here IE lose custom tag while sethtml
Second - after you add support for custom tag in IE (remember to do this in the document in which element will be used) you can use element's
method. Here's its doc:!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.node-method-clone