I am building some wrapper libraries in GAS for some of the Domain Admin APIs. I have a general library which handles OAuth, UrlFetch, XML to Object and Object to XML functions. I have added this as a Library to my API wrappers. The first one I created was for the EmailAuditAPI. This works just fine when I load the EmailAuditAPI as a library. The second API wrapper I created was for the GmailSettingsAPI. This wrapper works fine within itself, but is not working when I call it from another script where it has been loaded as a library. For the more visual of you
GoogleAPITools -> EmailAuditAPI Wrapper -> Project Script : Works!
GoogleAPITools -> GmailSettingsAPI Wrapper -> Project Script : Doesn't work!
GoogleAPITools -> GmailSettingsAPI Wrapper : Works!
I think this is the important code:
function callGApi(apiUrl,authScope,method,payloadIn)
//oAuth & Fetch Arguments
var fetchArgs = googleOAuth_("google", authScope);
fetchArgs.method = method ? method : "GET";
fetchArgs.contentType = "application/atom+xml";
fetchArgs.payload = payloadIn;
var urlFetch = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiUrl, fetchArgs); //This line fails w/ not working wrapper
var returnObject = urlFetch.getContentText() != '' ? Xml.parse(urlFetch.getContentText()) : urlFetch.getResponseCode();
return returnObject;
//Google oAuth
function googleOAuth_(name,scope)
var oAuthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService(name);
return {oAuthServiceName:name, oAuthUseToken:"always"};
This wrapper works when loaded into a third script as a library.
function getAccountInfoRequest(user,reqId)
var properties = GoogleAPITools.callGApi(ACCOUNTINFOURL + user + "/" + reqId,AUDITSCOPE).entry.property;
return GoolgeAPITools.returnXmlToObject(properties);
This wrapper does not work when loaded into a third script as a library, but it does work on its own. The GoogleAPITools is loaded as a library in both wrapper scripts.
GmailSettingsAPI Wrapper
//Get Signature
function getSignatureForUser(user)
var returnedInfo = GoogleAPITools.callGApi(EMAILSETTINGSURL + user + "/signature",EMAILSETTINGSSCOPE);
return GoolgeAPITools.returnXmlToObject(new Array(returnedInfo.entry.property));
Third project script with both wrappers loaded as libraries:
function testApiWrappers() {
var user = "john";
var reqId = "123456789";
Logger.log(GmailSettingsApi.getSignatureForUser(user)); //Fails here
In my log I see the return for the AuditApi call, but I get an "Unexpected error:" that references the URLFetch in the GoogleAPITools script.
Is there something different about the Oauth for the two APIs? Is there something glaring in my code that I missed? Any assistance would be great.