I would like to use external txt file with Polish lemmas structured as follows: (source for lemmas for many other languages http://www.lexiconista.com/datasets/lemmatization/)
Abadan Abadanem
Abadan Abadanie
Abadan Abadanowi
Abadan Abadanu
abadańczyk abadańczycy
abadańczyk abadańczyka
abadańczyk abadańczykach
abadańczyk abadańczykami
abadańczyk abadańczyki
abadańczyk abadańczykiem
abadańczyk abadańczykom
abadańczyk abadańczyków
abadańczyk abadańczykowi
abadańczyk abadańczyku
abadanka abadance
abadanka abadanek
abadanka abadanką
abadanka abadankach
abadanka abadankami
What packages and with what syntax, would allow me use such txt database to lemmatize my bag of words. I realize, for English there is Wordnet, but there is no luck for those who would like to use this functionality for rare languages.
If not, can this database be converted to be useful with any package that provides lemmatization? Perhaps by converting it to a wide form? For instance, the form used by free AntConc concordancer, (http://www.laurenceanthony.net/software/antconc/)
Abadan -> Abadanem, Abadanie, Abadanowi, Abadanu
abadańczyk -> abadańczycy, abadańczyka, abadańczykach
In brief: How can lemmatization with lemmas in txt file be done in any of the known CRAN R text mining packages ? If so, how to format such txt file?
UPDATE: Dear @DmitriySelivanov I got rid of all diacritical marks, now I would like to apply it on tm corpus "docs"
docs <- tm_map(docs, function(x) lemma_tokenizer(x, lemma_hashmap="lemma_hm"))
and I tried it as tokenizer
LemmaTokenizer <- function(x) lemma_tokenizer(x, lemma_hashmap="lemma_hm")
docsTDM <-
DocumentTermMatrix(docs, control = list(wordLengths = c(4, 25), tokenize=LemmaTokenizer))
It throws at me an error:
Error in lemma_hashmap[[tokens]] :
attempt to select more than one element in vectorIndex
The function works with a vector of texts as charm though.
My guess is that here is nothing to do with text-mining packages for this task. You need just to replace word in a second column by word in a first column. You can do it with creating hashmap (for example https://github.com/nathan-russell/hashmap).
Below is example of how you can create "lemmatizing" tokenizer which you can easily use in text2vec (and I guess quanteda as well).
Contributions in order to create such "lemmatizing" package are very welcome - will be very useful.