I have the following code...
public static final String NEWLINE = String.format("%n");
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
return b.toString();
However when I run this in SOAPUI and look at the RAW it looks like it is augmenting it again and the new line turns into

So instead of
It shows up as...
So when I parse using a regex query to replace with an empty string the full text is still around
Now I am not as familiar with encoding but this is the payload of a SOAP message. The envelope is stripped away and this is ouputed to a CSV file. When I open the CSV in Notepad++ the new line char appears to work but that encoded value is still there. Does anyone know what I am missing?
I tried adding a (sb = Stringbuilder)
But this doesn't seem to work, again JAXB seems to escape the chars.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soapenv:Body><ns4:ReportResult xmlns:ns2="http://me.com/v1_9/service" xmlns:ns3="http://me.com/v1_9/service/objects" xmlns:ns4="http://me.com/v1_9/service/operations"><![CDATA[000000,LK20130930120048,Compant,Data,20130930120048,,
000001,user,Fname,Mname,Lname,12345 Address 1,Address 2222,setAddress3,setCity,OH,US,44332,,N,N,E,,,,?,,
Also I would be fine with something like this but I use the default marshaller for JAX-WS. So I am not exactly sure where to put it.
Try to wrap the special character in a
<![CDATA[ ]]>
block. It should avoid the re-encoding.A JAXB (JSR-222) implementation will do the following:
will be written to XML as a new line.\r
will be escaped as
Demo Code