Integrating LUIS with FormFlow

2019-04-14 21:24发布

I have created a bot, having a FormFlow in it. Now if you type I want to launch a product, LUIS will tell which dialog it has to go to :

    internal static IDialog<AssesmentHelper> CreateProduct()
                return Chain.From(() => FormDialog.FromForm(AssesmentHelper.BuildForm))
                    .Do(async (context, profileForm) =>
                            var completed = await profileForm;

                        catch (FormCanceledException<AssesmentHelper> e)
                            string reply;
                            if (e.InnerException == null)
                                reply = $"You quit on {e.Last}--maybe you can finish next time!";
                                reply = Responses.ShortCircuit;
                            await context.PostAsync(reply);

public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody]Activity activity)
stLuis = await LuisHelper.ParseUserInput(activity.Text);
    switch (stLuis.topScoringIntent.intent)

         case "CreateProduct":
              await Conversation.SendAsync(activity, CreateProduct);

         case "EditProduct":
               await Conversation.SendAsync(activity, EditProduct);

           case "None":



Now, once it enters dialog, it asks user to select numbers:

Please select numbers:

  1. Azure
  2. Windows

Now if I reply 1,2. Luis returns it as None intent, so my message does not go to the corresponding dialog. It always go to None case.

The code for dialog is:

 public static IForm<AssesmentHelper> BuildForm()
            return new FormBuilder<AssesmentHelper>()

Enum for program and product:

    public enum Program
        None = 0,
        A = 1,

        public enum Product
            None = 0,
            Azure = 1,
            Windows = 2

As soon as I enter this dialog, It asks me to select number for selecting program. Now if i select 1,2. Luis returns it as None intent. So Case "None", is executed.

What I want is, redirect the control to same dialog. I have similar dialog for Edit Product as well. That's why I cannot train my luis app to understand numbers as Product Intent. Otherwise whenever i select number for Edit Product, it will go to different case.

Earlier it was identifying correct intents somehow, but today i republished my luis app and it stopped identifying.

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