As part of a developer challenge, I am trying to determine the land mass closest to a given coordinate. Obviously, if the point is on land, I use reverse geocoding and can get details. The problem is that if the point is in a body of water, especially oceans, it often won't return anything (Google, Nokia, Bing). I'd like to know that a point 3 miles off the coast of California is 3 miles from USA, or x miles from Japan, y miles from South Korea when a point is reasonably near more than one country. Is there any service that provides this information?
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check older post in here Verify if a point is Land or Water in Google Maps, check the answer about the Koordinates Vector JSON Query service
Just imagine the world is a bit like the board from the game Diplomacy
Now coalesce the sea areas into larger polygons with holes for islands. If you're not at sea you must be on the land right?