I am developing an application: I am trying to set an audio file as a ringtone.
I saw many posts, but no one actually helped me, so I decided to ask this question.
I use this code when the Button is clicked:
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent();
startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Choose Sound File"), Audio);
in onActivityResult
I am trying to get the file path and then set the audio file as ringtone using the code below:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (requestCode == Audio && requestCode==RESULT_OK) {
Uri s1 = data.getData();
String s = s1.getPath();
try {
k = new File(new URI(s)); //(File k;)
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA, k.getAbsolutePath());
values.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.TITLE, "My Song title");
values.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, "audio/mpeg");
values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST, "Some Artist");
values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_RINGTONE, false);
values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_NOTIFICATION, true);
values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_ALARM, false);
values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_MUSIC, false);
//Insert it into the database
Uri uri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.getContentUriForPath(k.getAbsolutePath());
Uri newUri = getContentResolver().insert(uri, values);
Unfortunately this code doesn't work.
I would appreciate your answers. Sorry for my bad English.
setting audio as a ringtone is the same as setting tone in alarm heres the code:
using this code it allows your sound to be put in specific sd card folders and
then setting it as ringtone and alarmtone:
or you can follow a complete tutorial regarding this problem.
I saw many posts but anyone showed what i should actually have to do. So i decided to create this complete answer , in which i have the solution of my problem...
Here is my
which i usedLastly, its really important to add those permissions in your
for example if you don't add the permission to write external storage your app will crash like mine.. xDWhat you need:
You can try my app on Google Play : BackAtel Audio Manager
Hope that helps.... my problem is now solved!! i hope that i solved your problem too :))
I had the same problem and couldn't find an answer anywhere.
This is the code i used.