I have an RDF graph of with a hierarchy three levels deep. I want to retrieve all the paths starting from the root of the class hierarchy (i.e., owl:Thing
) down to classes in the third level without using a reasoner. For instance, I would like the path
C1 →
C2 →
is a path, where each
is a class at the ith level of the hierarchy.
I need to retrieve all the paths in the RDF graph using the breadth first search algorithm with no considerations to the object properties in the graph.
Given some data like this (where length of the class name is an indication of the depth of the class in the hierarchy):
You can use a SPARQL query to select the paths that you're looking for.
Using a SPARQL query
You can write a SPARQL query like this to get the following results:
Using the camera ontology
This approach works with the camera ontology that has been mentioned in the comments, though the query requires a little extension to handle deeper class paths. Thus:
Using the Jena API
While the above SPARQL query produces the paths in the order that would expected from a breadth first traversal, there is actually no guarantee on how ARQ generates the results. We can also implement a Breadth First Search directly, using the Jena Model API to retrieve subclasses. Here's a straightforward implementation: