Actually in my list activity,when user taps on any item ,a dialog box is opened with two options of delete and cancel.When user select delete button the dialog dismisses with deleting value in database.And the old list activity comes in foreground with old values.Though it is deleted it is showing in listview.Is there a way to show the refreshed list.If yes,then How?
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Try this, implement the dialog dismiss listener and check if the user has clicked on your "delete" button, if yes then perform your refresh
Refresh the listview by setting the apdater again....
When closing the Dialog call
on your list adapter.
clear the list using list.clear(); and set the adapter like this adapter = new Adapter(this);
enter code here
listView.setAdapter(adapter);If you are using array list then you must definitely know the item position and using that position you can remove item from your list .Then call the
run your program to watch the magic.
Please try following code,
make a function called: doTheAutoRefresh() that does:
Call this function in your onCreate.
NOTE: this is the basic approach. consider stopping this after onPause has been called and to resume it after onResume. Look at the handler class to see how to remove.
you need to remove the deleted item from adapter too before calling adapter's notifyDataSetChanged() in order to refresh your list