I am firing up a cmd console from my .net app with some parameters, is there a parameter to specify that the cmd console is not visible?
---- Edit - Adding Code
I know this isn't the standard way of starting a process in .Net, but it is being run from a Silverlight Client.
Dynamic cmd = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
cmd.Run("C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c *myargs*")
After some more digging, I have found out that this will work -
You could have a look at this solution:
Show/Hide the console window of a C# console application
or alternatively, make your project a GUI project but without any forms and use the classes in the System.Diagnostics namespace to execute your commands. Probably requires much refactoring though.
If you never want the application to show a console window, one way is, after creating the console application, to change the application Output Type to "Windows Application" (project properties / Application tab / Output type).