Relating to question in: Unspecified Error from Google Maps API on IE8
In function function Mp(a,b){ .. } the following line of code triggers an error var e=a.getBoundingClientRect();
- To replicate this error
- Make a Google Map page (make sure it is tall enough that you've spare space to scroll the page, don't make the map full-screen)
- Place a Marker
- Open the app in IE ( I tested in 10) in debug mode
- When page loads, click on a marker such that it shows the info-window i.e. the pop-over
- Try scrolling the page
You'll get the error.
getBoundingClientRect(), an IE feature which returns positions of containers. The issues may be related to tool-tips i.e. info-windows.
Look more at :
Tried the solution: google.maps.event.clearListeners(window, 'resize'); It din't work.
Sample App: Courtesy: @user2250544
Here's a filthy hack that seems to work, if you're into that kinda thing:
Clearing the browser cache as mentioned here: helped me to fix similar issues
I fix the error by Despose GMap before postback: